Oh, Junuka...
Posted July 24, 2016 at 12:00 am

By the way, his name is Junuka.  JU-NU-KA.  Not "Junka."  Not "Januka."  I can accept nicknames like "Jun" but it's getting kinda silly that people still generally get his name wrong.  With my other comic it's understandable since the main character has a five-syllable name, but Junuka is only three.  Come on, now.  YOU PEOPLE ARE TOO BEAUTIFUL AND SMART TO MISSPELL THIS POOR BOY'S NAME ANYMORE.


(Edit: On pronunciation, since everyone is asking, Junuka would be pronounced like Ju-NU-ka by the Northerners, but Saengorians would put more of the emphasis on the JU.)

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