Patreon News!!!
Posted February 13, 2019 at 12:00 am

We're back! For those of you who didn't see my Patreon announcements (I post announcements publicly) I am doing things a little differently this year in an effort to combat burnout and become more productive. Instead of working on multiple different comics every week I will be working on one thing at a time, in batches. In January I worked on the first chapter of the highly anticipated Eros and Psyche which is now available for $10 patrons on Patreon! Right now I'm working on Far to the North and next in the rotation will be Tigress Queen. 

We are very close to the end of Far to the North Volume 1. I intend to finish it up with this batch of pages. You can read ahead on Patreon where I post the pages as I finish them for the $3 tier. The site will continue to update weekly until we reach the end of the volume. After that I will be taking a bit of a break from FTTN to work on TQ, Eros and Psyche, and a second Patreon-exclusive comic called Poisoned that I will be releasing sometime later this year. Far to the North went through a lot of trial and error (and some of the original files are corrupted) so I won't be able to print it in its current state.

It will take me a little while to get all the gears turning again so I'm very grateful for everyone's patience. I hope that this new system will keep updates timely and reliable.  


>>>Read Eros and Psyche Chapter 1!<<<

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